A blog all about recording and mixing.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

First Mobile post Direct from my iPhone

So I'm in LA working on alot of different stuff. It's good to be out of Atlanta and spreading out. I miss being back home but I'm getting used to the scenery out here now. It's always nice as far the weather and there's alot more opportunities. It's LA, all the labels are here and it's easy if your good enough to stay busy. The first few weeks I was working out of Santa Monica, then Hollywood. Now that I have this cool mobile blog app, I should have alot of posts now that I'm moving around more. Here's a few photos of chalice that I've been uploading via Twitter.

-- Posted From my iPhone --


Elle June 30, 2009 at 11:54 AM  

Go Jeremy..Go Jeremy. Kudos on the first mobile post.

Pretty soon we will have chips implanted that will allow us to speak our blogs and post via bluetooth!!


Elle August 28, 2009 at 9:49 AM  

Yes, Dear Miles and Jeremy. It has been quite a while since you have posted to this blog. YOU have an obligation to the followers boys. Get with the program!! :-)

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