Back In My Nike Boots
Being back in The ATL is great. Kinda missed being around and seeing my friends and all. But Im back lounging and what not till we get back on it later this week, hopefully here in Atlanta.
I get asked all the time whats my GO TO vocal chain. Well as of late Ive had the urge to kinda change it up so to speak, I picture myself as a minimalist, if thats even a word. I try not to impede or impact the source signal too much, if I dont have to. I love the way things sound natural, without any coloring, unless it needs it. Ive worked for the same person for almost 2 years now. I know his voice pretty well. I can tell when he has had the right amount of rest, or when he hasnt slept at all. I can hear when hes coming down with a cold or if his voice has been worked too hard with rehearsals and late sessions. Ive stopped him before to let give him a break because hes not sounding his absolute best, thats what Im there for ya know? He has such an awesome tone he doesnt really need much help in that department. What i use i consider a very clean and transparent Mic Pre and Compressor.
Tube Tech CL1B
Super clean. Absolutely love this. Havent found an impractical use for it yet. Sounds great on just about anyone. Have cut alot of records through this and will pretty much end up choosing this guy without hesitation. These arent my setting cause to tell you the truth, every thing changes by the day or song, anyone worth their rate will tell ya that. Even recording he same person everyday it will change, trust me
Jon Hardy M1

Love the metering, very simplistic if i may say so myself. In combo with The CL1B and the C800 mic, and the artist of course, this works very well for me and find myself eq'ing less and just happy overall with the sound i get from jump. expect more posts like this from me and Miles on what gear we like to use while tracking in the studio. Peace
I must learn to speak this "mixing" language. Us creative types just sing and write..sheesh.
P.S In recovery this morning!!
lol. trust me u dont want to go down that nerd road learning about this shit, just pay me to know it for you lol.
Hows the bday weekend going? wasnt too cold eh?
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